I know what you mean.... I have been reported(just this month alone) over 20 times and last month was over 50 times, Just for telling people they have posted in the wrong forum.
So, This is my message to all the "Tree hugging-my life is terrible-thumb sucking-my feelings are fragile-shallow"
J -A -C -K -O -F -F -S!!! That can't post a question in the right forum because you can't read.... When i click on "Motorcycle Racing" I expect to see "Racing" questions about (Moto GP, Motocross, Supermoto, Flat Track, Baja racing, "Real" Dragbike Racing and even FMX) I don't care if your "chinese piece of crap is slow" or "what bike is better" or a "damn Harley Davidson" question or even "the top speed of KX100".
Here is my answers for you stupid A -S -S people......
(1) If you buy Chinese then you are retarded right off the bat.
(2) If they start a "Super Moped Gp" class, Then i might consider answering your question.
(3) "Which bike is better" it does not matter you can't afford either one anyway.
(4) "Harley riders", Don't even get me started on this issue...But, i will say this, The wannabe Harley riders that buy everything with a Harley emblem on it are retarded! Us "Real" Riders, when we paste a factory name on everything we own....It's called sponsorship and they pay us.
If you people think you have burned me by reporting me, You are dead wrong!
Retards Beware!