Jason B
2007-12-23 04:23:40 UTC
This is how lameit has become. I am tired of little people trying to ask dumb and stupid questions in wrong forums. I seen on here the other day, a question about girlfrinds, and today I have seen a question about graphics, spark plugs, and motorcycle fluids......WTF!!!!!
If you have a legitemate racing question, post it here in the racing forum, otherwise, please post all non related motorcycle questions under cars&transprtation / motorcycles....
is it really that hard to read and press a button so a question finds its way into the correct forum? I guess, by the number of lame questions, that it really is?
and for my last irk....
who cares what bike we all think you should get, and who cares what "mods" you should get. Get a life and try something unique, but thats right, you all are so lame you cannot think for yourselves....
Het people, this is the MOTORCYCLE RACING forum. Lets keep it that way.
I am done ranting now, Thanks for listening!!